Program 2025

The program is preliminary and continuously updated. Items can be rearranged, added and removed.


Registration desk opens

13.00 – 15.00

Discussion groups

Group 1: Lower risk gambling guidelines and primary prevention practices
Moderators: Matthew Young & Riitta Matilainen
Room: TBA

Group 2: Duty of care practices, policy and innovation
Moderator: TBA
Room: TBA

Group 3: Financial recovery as a part of the treatment and recovery
Moderator: Aura Pylkkänen & Teresa Tenkanen
Room: TBA

Group 4: Experts by experience
Moderator: TBA
Room: TBA

Group 5: Tackling stigma and lowering thresholds to help and treatment
Moderator: Magnus Eidem
Room: TBA

15.00 – 15.20

Coffee break

15.20 – 16.00

Discussion group summary
Room: TBA

16.45 – 18.00

Guided tour at Munch museum (limited spaces)
Outside hotel main entrance


Registration desk opens


9.00 – 9.15


9.15 – 9.30

Official welcome

9.30 – 10.30

Keynote: Youth and the negotiation of gambling
Jessika Spångberg, Swedish Public Health Agency

10.30 – 11.00

Coffee break

11.00 – 12.00

Keynote: “The money is just a number, it’s more about the hygge”: Socially motivated youth gambling in Danish upper-secondary school
Johanne Kirkeby, University of Copenhagen

12.00 – 13.00



13.00 – 15.00

Theme Prevention I
Room: TBA
Chair: Inka Silvennoinen

1. Preliminary Experience with Gambling Prevention Events for Children and Young People in Denmark
Johan Eklund

2. Strategies for preventing problematic gambling in high schools
Christian de Gier

3. Emotion-Based Media Literacy Education as a Prevention Tool for Youth Problem Gambling
Alison Wood

4. Exploring the potential of social media interventions in treating gambling: a single-case study perspective
Martin Conchita

Theme Responsible Gambling I
Room: TBA
Chair: Axel Lyckberg

1. “Of course we make money, but it has to be in a responsible way”: Safer gambling practices reported by state-owned gambling operators
Philip Newall

2. Svenska Spels first experiences live chatting with young players to prevent harm
Maria Dahlström

3. Proactive Conversations: Preventing Problem Gambling Among Young Horse Betting Players
Hedda Skappel

4. Identified playing prevents underage gambling and reduces gambling-related harm among young players
Emmi Kankkunen

Theme Treatment I
Room: TBA
Chair: Bergþóra Kristín Ingvarsdóttir

1. Why did it take you so long to seek help? And how were you met when you opened up about your disordered gambling?
Niri Talberg & Stian Overå

2. Trends in Patients Seeking Treatment for Gambling Disorder: Research from a Swedish Out-Patient Clinic
Annika Hofstedt

3. Gambling Among Forensic Psychiatric Patients: One Example of a Particularly Vulnerable Subpopulation
Jakob Eriksen

4. Routine screening for gambling disorder and gambling related harm within mental health and drug and alcohol services: A feasibility and pilot study
Steve Sharman

Theme Youth
Room: TBA
Chair: TBA

1. Younger people seeking help for problem gambling; experiences from the national low-threshold services in Norway
Magnus Eidem & Mona Finstad

2.Youth gambling trends and a declining age average among help seeker
Allan Erdman

3. Factors behind the increase in young people's gambling, how such gambling is financed, and the development of young people's gambling
Lisa Runfors

4. Young players entering the gambling market
Bjørn Helge Hoffmann

14.30 – 15.00

Coffee break


15.00 – 16.30

Theme Prevention II
Room: TBA
Chair: Bergþóra Kristín Ingvarsdóttir

1. Grasping at Air, Using What We Know in Prevention to Address What We Have Yet to Understand
Kristina Latta-Landefeld

2. Young people should be prioritized in responsible gaming measures
Daniela Johansson & Jenna Ekström

3. Fear and Loathing in The Digital Vegas; A Qualitative Analysis of Young Men`s Physiological and Psychological Reactions to Gambling Addiction
Emil Sandaker

4. Adapting Prevention Strategies in the Era of Gaming-Gambling Convergence
Maya Geudens

Theme Responsible Gambling II
Room: TBA
Chair: TBA

1. Helping Players Stay in Control – A New Responsible Gambling Initiative
Axel Lyckberg

2. “Your Playing has Changed”: Communicating Increased Risk in Responsible Gambling
Carly Grace Allen

3. Contacting players at risk: do care calls work? How they help at-risk players and prevents problem gambling
Thomas Walter Gregersen & Fredrik Liberg Berg

4. Responsible Gambling in Sports
Per Einar Karlsen

Theme Treatment II
Room: TBA
Chair: Inka Silvennoinen

1. A new low-threshold service for significant others in Norway
Magnus Eidem

2. Recovery Capital of Close Ones: Practical Insights and Applications from Low-Threshold Work at Tiltti
Hanna Karmakka-Asare

3. Families Included: Integrating Family Therapy into Treatment Program for Problem Gamblers
Palmu Antti

Theme Attitudes & Personality
Room: TBA
Chair: TBA

1. Attitudes towards gambling among Icelanders in 2011 and 2023
Daníel Ólason

2. Reframing Gambling Harm Media Narratives, New Guidelines and Driving Change
Alexander Kallman

3. Victim and Society Blaming for Addictions
Ståle Pallesen


Gala Dinner at Ekeberg Restaurant


9.00 – 10.00

Keynote: The Lower Risk Gambling Guidelines: Development, Evaluation, Adoption, & Impact since 2021
Matthew Young, Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction

10.00 – 10.30

Coffee break

10.30 – 11.30

Keynote: Gambling harm prevention: structures, responsibilities and ways forward
Virve Marionneau, University of Helsinki

11.30 – 12.30

Panel Discussion
Panel: Virve Marionneau, Matthew Young, Johnny Engebø, Jessika Spångberg and Johanne Kirkeby
Moderator: Johan Eklund


13.30 – 15.00

Theme Prevention III
Room: TBA
Chair: Inka Silvennoinen

1. Duty of care, data science, and gambling harm: A scoping review of risk assessment models
Tomi Roukka

2. The need for Pro-Activity, Positive Play, Personalized Approach and Proof of Evidence: My lucky numbers
Pieter Remmers

3. Financial capability and gambling: a key to a new approach in harm prevention?
Aura Pylkkänen & Teresa Tenkanen

4. How can operator create problem gambling prevention program for employees: Case Veikkaus
Eeva Rissanen

Theme Responsible Gambling III
Room: TBA
Chair: TBA

1. Mandatory verses voluntary self-tests for new online casino customers – effect on engagement, quality, gambling behaviour and use of responsible gambling measures
Jakob Jonsson

2. “99% of gamblers lose in the long run”: An experimental comparison of novel and pre-existing safer gambling messages
Philip Newall

3. Use of artificial intelligence within the gambling field: a scoping review protocol
Hailemariam Weldemariam

4. An updated systematic review and meta-analysis regarding prevention interventions for gambling field: a scoping review protocol
David Forsström

Theme Gaming
Room: TBA
Chair: Johan Eklund

1. The Good, the Bad and the Toxic: How Norwegian Esports Students Experience and Navigate Toxicity
Niri Talberg & Stian Overå

2. Scrutinising gambling and video game advertising using social media ad repositories enabled by the EU Digital Services Act
Leon Xiao

3. In-game spending and attitudes among young gamers: consumption, emotions, and social influence
Hanne Backe-Hansen

4. Associations Between HEXACO Personality Traits and Behavioral Addictions: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Farangis Sharifibastan

15.00 – 15.10

Short break

15.10 – 15.40

Closing of the conference


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